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Getting started with the Java Novel Generator

mardi 1er mai 2018, par 朱立安

Behind the welcome window, you will get this window :

A story is made of node, at first the list of story nodes is empty. To add a new node : go to the tab : node description, then enter a name in text field : "Story node name" for example : "my first node", you can add a description in the next textfield, it’s the text that will be displayed in the sotry. You can write : "It’s the begining". When you did that, click on "add/update", you will see a new node in the list of nodes. At any moment you can click on the node and click on show node to diplay information on the node, you rename it or delete it. With same principle you can add more nodes. To link nodes together you have to select a node, click on show node and at the bottom right, there is a list that contains the linked nodes. In the list on the left, you can select a node and then click on the "add" button (Next story nodes : "Add"). A node will be added as a linked node in the right part. By this way, you are building a graph of linked nodes (your story world), at any moment you can see it, by clicking on view/view the story world. To run the story, you have to go in the tab : run story, then choose a node to start, and the length of the story (a number of nodes). Click on the button "Run story" to generate the story. The path chosen will be saved, to reset it, just click on "Reset chosen path". It means, if you don’t reset the path you can continue the generation of the story from the last stop by putting a longer story length. More advanced will be shown in other tutorials. You can download the detailed tutorial here :
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